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Simplified drug labeling regime will become indefinite

The government will soon adopt changes allowing the indefinite use of a simplified drug labeling scheme.

«We expect that this document will be extended in the very near future, which will allow us to use the notification mode of operation on a permanent basis, and not as a temporary measure, as it was before,» the executive director of the SPFO told Pharmaceutical Bulletin Lilia Titova.

According to the representative of the CRPT, since these edits do not contain additional requirements for business, but on the contrary, the document is aimed at simplifying work in the labeling system, the changes will take effect immediately after the official publication. The indefinite use of the 702nd scheme is possible with the correct indication and coincidence of the supplier of the goods (physically) and the owner of the goods in the labeling system, explained in the CRPT.

Previously pharmacies stated that they are afraid of fines in connection with the abolition of the simplified regime from February 1, 2022. The networks claimed that they were working in «limbo». Throughout the work of the simplified labeling regime, various organizations and pharmacy chains have repeatedly asked for an extension of the 702nd scheme, fearing a crisis in the market in case of its cancellation.

A source: https://pharmvestnik.ru/content/news/Uproshennyi-rejim-markirovki-stanet-bessrochnym.html?utm_source=main

Теги:  Drug labeling Simplified labeling regime

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